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Agent leaderboard endpoint?

I’d like to build an app for my Tidbyt that will just display our teams leaderboard for the week or month. Can we get access to an endpoint for that?

API to get Email Sent and Text Message Count for particular Team Member

I want to use total Email Sent and Text Message sent count for particular Team Member for my portal. So, Please let me know about specific API for this.

Sorting by last name A-Z for my people

How do I do this?

Document Requests

I was wondering if there was any way to upload or download a document associated with a client record?

Inbox Access?

Wouldn't providing INBOX Access solve the following problems: 1. Not able to communicate with agents in the office that are members under the same FUB account? 2. Social Media messages such as Facebook? 3. Website communication via chatbox? 4. External SMS applications? 5. Ability to integrate a Business IVR line with a Caller ID lookup? #Follow Up Box Inbox #FUB Inbox #Social Media #Drip SMS #Bulk SMS #Email Other Agents #Chat Integration #Caller ID #Save Clients As Contacts #Facebook Messanger

How to input a VALUE into a Deal?

I reviewed the following: https://docs.followupboss.com/reference/deal-custom-fields-id-put And did not notice a way to put a value into a deal?

Clarify orderWeight in a deal

Can you please clarify orderWeight as it relates to deals? Is type not an option, for example by date, or price point?

How to know which field was updated when a contact was updated

I'm using the peopleUpdated webhook to get notified when contact is updated. However, the field or fields which were updated are not listed in the notification payload below: [ { "eventId": "43fe2b8a-093c-42b0-8fc6-5205cf8a3e78", "eventCreated": "2022-08-15T14:30:00+00:00", "event": "peopleUpdated", "resourceIds": [ 27713 ], "uri": "https://api.followupboss.com/v1/people?id=27713" } ] How do I find out which field update triggered this webhook?

Lead Flow implementation with the API

Hi I am using the /v1/events and Passing the POST data in the api, i want the API to trigger the Lead Flow Rules i have created. Anyone knows how this can be implemented with the API. When sending a POST request there's no option for LeadFlowId but in the response it is returning the leadsFlowId as null. Any help regarding this will be highly appreciated.

Sync Contacts - Google - IPhone

I’m new here but my last crm just automatic updated my contacts and vice versa. This doesn’t seem to be a function? I’m annoyed if I have to pay for an api service for a simple core function. Can anyone help/give suggestions?